This may be the most important article I have ever written,
but, I feel the time has come for the REAL Patriots to consider these
questions, these issues. It is fine to sit back on the internet and blog about
“this” violation of our rights or “that” person who is not representing his
constituents, but, the time will come when just blogging will not be enough.
When real choices that effect real people and endanger real lives need to be
made, who will we follow?
When we can’t take it anymore, when we have all had enough,
when the only choice left is to abandon liberty and appease tyrants or to stand
for America
and the Constitution, who makes the call?
We all know that, given the current state of affairs, that
the day of decision is getting closer and closer every day. When it gets here,
who do we trust to make the call? Who will we follow on our way to Washington D.C.
to repossess the Whitehouse from the usurper-in-chief? Who will lead us up the
steps of the Capitol to eject the non-representing representatives and
senators? How do we stop the Department of Homeland Security from becoming the
Department of Tyrannical Protection? Will the FBI, NSA, CIA and all the other
alphabet soup agencies just step aside and let us restore America or are
they all too vested in continuing the unacceptable status quo? Will the Capitol
Police, the Secret Service and the military answer the call to help the
Patriots trying to save America
or will they defend the tyrants just because they claim to be “in power”?
And, after that, who will make the call on who else needs to
be replaced? All of the appointed and non-appointed minions of unfettered
liberalism must go, or, they will just wait until the next liberal leader gets
elected and then proceed with their agenda to turn America
into an abomination resembling the former Soviet Union .
The time for these decisions is coming and coming fast! We
need to find someone who understands ALL of the ramifications of these
decisions, understands that, regardless of the cost, these actions MUST be
taken! Yes, some will die in this effort. Hopefully the casualties will be very
few. There are those who are “in power” who will not go quietly and will fight
tooth-and-nail to try and hold on to their positions of power in the “New World
Who makes the call? Who has the strength of purpose and
courage to not only say “Its Time, Let’s Roll” but also has the brains and
leadership ability and command presence to pull all Patriots together, form
them into a cohesive, effective force and then hold their leash tightly so that
only the necessary amount of force is used and the necessary revolution does
not turn into an un-necessary blood-bath, for either side.
In every revolution, someone has to fire the first shot and
someone will be the first casualty. Only history can teach us what needs to be
done, and, in the future, historians will decide whether or not today’s
Patriots laid down and rolled over for their new masters or if the Second
American Revolutionary War saved our way of life from being wiped from the face
of the earth.
I ask again, who? Who will you; the American Patriots, the Tea
Party Patriots, the Constitutionalists, the Conservatives, etc. follow? Who do
you trust to make these kinds of decisions for you, for America ?
Together For Liberty!
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