Wednesday, April 23, 2014


By:  Edward Richardson, April 21, 2014

I just re-posted an article I wrote about 2 years ago (Who Makes The Call?) so you, my readers can refer to it.

In addition to my BLOG here ( ) I have a Facebook Group, with almost 7,000 members, where my users and myself try to keep each other informed and frequently post action items that include links to assist users in doing just that; entitled “United Patriots to Restore Our American Republic (UPROAR)” .  I also use my personal Facebook page to share news items among almost 5,000 "Friends." and over 300 "Followers."  I also try to post IMPORTANT items in the more than 400 "Groups" that I am a member of.  On Twitter I have over 1,200 "Followers.  I am telling you this because THIS POST is SO IMPORTANT that I will be "pushing" it out through every channel of communications that I have access to and I encourage ALL who read this to do the same.  "Share" it, "Tweet" it, "Email" it even print out copies and "Snail-Mail" it.  Fax it to every fax number you can find.

I have read of others trying and failing to reach American citizens that are so entrenched in video games, the next hit movie or the latest tabloid pictures of some actor, actress or singer trying their best to win the “Tramp-of-the-Year” award.  Too many Americans have abdicated their responsibilities as citizens to educate themselves on just how their country’s government works or even what rights they have, why they have them or even the definitions of important words like “liberty,” “freedom” and “sovereignty.”

America has the greatest form of government ever devised by man!  However, it has become infested with individuals who are ignoring their responsibility to follow their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution as well as the implied mandate to do the people’s business and to do only that which is clearly in the best interests of the country.  They would rather work to further their own warped agenda to gain total control over “the people.”  They do not care what laws they break or trusts they betray as long as they can continue to have power over their fellow man.  They are having a large measure of success mainly because the majority of the American people are just not paying attention.  The time for going through life avoiding talking about Religion or politics is over.  That is precisely how we got into the situation in which we find ourselves.

 Americans can no longer muddle through life buried in their self-interests, iPhones or worthless mainstream media “news” stories on what teenage heartthrob was arrested or what the latest weight loss plan entails.  We can no longer take it for granted that our rights will not be taken away.  Many Americans think that they will always be able to keep their rights because "The Constitution protects them for us!"  What they fail to realize (because they either do not take the time to pay attention to what the politicians are doing in Washington, D.C. or they fail to understand that the mainstream media [ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, etc.] are purposely keeping them in the dark, purposely keeping the truth hidden from them)   is that there are many in our government who are actively trying to do just that.  Their attacks on our rights are hidden behind words such as “politically correct” (God forbid that they should just tell the truth),. They tell us we must be “tolerant” of others (such as Muslims who want to put us all under their “Sharia” law that would eliminate women’s rights, legalize child marriage, genital mutilation, honor killings and the killing of anyone who is gay or refuses to convert to their sick cult they call a “religion”).  Or, the fraction of a percent of our society that call themselves “LGBT” that want us to accept degenerate and immoral behavior as “normal.”  They tell us we must “embrace multiculturalism” instead of encouraging assimilation of immigrants into our American culture causing the “Balkanization” of our cities, counties and states (look at Detroit, Michigan).  They want to wipe out the rule of law in one fell swoop by granting “amnesty” in one form or another to what could wind up being over 35 million illegal aliens who have already demonstrated that they do not respect our laws. 

Sadly, the time has come.  Patriots need to step up and defend the rights of the uninformed to be, well, uninformed.  After much thought and research, it has become clear that IT IS TIME!

My prior blog post (referenced above) asks, “Who makes the call?”

If not me, who?  If not now, when?


It is time for our government to hear our UPROAR!


On May 16, 2014, a tremendous crowd of Patriotic Americans who have been paying attention are going to gather on the Washington Mall.  This is not going to be your usual 3 or 4-hour event where people show up, make great speeches and then disappear.  The purpose of this gathering is not to make speeches but to garner sufficient news coverage of our cause that the politicians in Washington, D.C. will not dare to ignore our demands.  The goal is to overwhelm our government through peaceful assembly effectively shutting it down until certain demands are met.  It is fully expected that this event may last for several months.  Our demands include the removal of numerous individuals from office and the initiation of legal proceedings against them for dereliction of duty due to their failure to uphold their oaths of office and their failure to conduct the people’s business in favor of conducting their own agendas tailored to reward their campaign donors and usurp the rights of "We the people..."  It has been proven numerous times that we can no longer count on those in power to police each other (I mean how far have the investigations into Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservative 501c3/4 groups, the ATF “walking” guns to Mexico, etc. gotten?)  We cannot even count on them to enforce laws that they themselves asked for and put into place (how many times has our President unconstitutionally "changed" the Affordable Care Act?  The Attorney General [the "Chief" law enforcement officer in the country] has publicly announced that he WILL NOT enforce the Defense of Marriage Act nor will he enforce many of the immigration laws. 

For more details on this event go to

If you cannot attend, I call on you to PRAY FOR OUR SUCCESS and do everything you can to support it.  Those who show up are going to need supplies and encouragement.  Everyone is encouraged to try and bring most of the supplies they will need for themselves along with any extras they can donate to help others.  A good way to show support is to coordinate through other supporting groups such as “Overpasses for America” (  News just released today states that “Gun Owners of America” has endorsed this event and should soon have some ways that you can help posted on their web site .  You can show support by assembling at your state capitol and staying there as long as it takes to restore our American republic.  Another way to support it is to pass along this message to everyone you know.  Do not worry about whether or not they agree with you.  Send it to them anyway.  This is more important that what they think of you.  You can also work ahead of time on creating articles and blog posts explaining why you support OAS so you can have them ready to go when the event happens.

This is NOT a call to ARMS (not yet anyway).  It is expected that there will be so many Patriots showing up that arms will not be required.  The sheer number of people will be sufficient to affect our ends.

I encourage all of you in the strongest terms available to attend this event if there is any way that you possibly can!  I leave you with my battle cry: 

The fight is a good fight for a righteous cause!  Though we are bloodied, we are not beaten!  Onward, onward, into the fray lest the enemy think us weakened, for all is darkest before the dawn and victory oft' snatched from the jaws of defeat." 

(Edward Richardson-January 1, 2001)

(Note:  I have searched far and wide to make sure that this quote is not attributed to anyone else.  If you know of anyone else who claims it please let me know and I will gladly give them exclusive credit to it).


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who Makes The Call? (REPOST)

By:  Edward Richardson, April 29, 2012

This may be the most important article I have ever written, but, I feel the time has come for the REAL Patriots to consider these questions, these issues. It is fine to sit back on the internet and blog about “this” violation of our rights or “that” person who is not representing his constituents, but, the time will come when just blogging will not be enough. When real choices that effect real people and endanger real lives need to be made, who will we follow?

When we can’t take it anymore, when we have all had enough, when the only choice left is to abandon liberty and appease tyrants or to stand for America and the Constitution, who makes the call?

We all know that, given the current state of affairs, that the day of decision is getting closer and closer every day. When it gets here, who do we trust to make the call? Who will we follow on our way to Washington D.C. to repossess the Whitehouse from the usurper-in-chief? Who will lead us up the steps of the Capitol to eject the non-representing representatives and senators? How do we stop the Department of Homeland Security from becoming the Department of Tyrannical Protection? Will the FBI, NSA, CIA and all the other alphabet soup agencies just step aside and let us restore America or are they all too vested in continuing the unacceptable status quo? Will the Capitol Police, the Secret Service and the military answer the call to help the Patriots trying to save America or will they defend the tyrants just because they claim to be “in power”?

And, after that, who will make the call on who else needs to be replaced? All of the appointed and non-appointed minions of unfettered liberalism must go, or, they will just wait until the next liberal leader gets elected and then proceed with their agenda to turn America into an abomination resembling the former Soviet Union.

The time for these decisions is coming and coming fast! We need to find someone who understands ALL of the ramifications of these decisions, understands that, regardless of the cost, these actions MUST be taken! Yes, some will die in this effort. Hopefully the casualties will be very few. There are those who are “in power” who will not go quietly and will fight tooth-and-nail to try and hold on to their positions of power in the “New World Order”.

Who makes the call? Who has the strength of purpose and courage to not only say “Its Time, Let’s Roll” but also has the brains and leadership ability and command presence to pull all Patriots together, form them into a cohesive, effective force and then hold their leash tightly so that only the necessary amount of force is used and the necessary revolution does not turn into an un-necessary blood-bath, for either side.

In every revolution, someone has to fire the first shot and someone will be the first casualty. Only history can teach us what needs to be done, and, in the future, historians will decide whether or not today’s Patriots laid down and rolled over for their new masters or if the Second American Revolutionary War saved our way of life from being wiped from the face of the earth.

I ask again, who? Who will you; the American Patriots, the Tea Party Patriots, the Constitutionalists, the Conservatives, etc. follow? Who do you trust to make these kinds of decisions for you, for America?
Together For Liberty!

Monday, April 14, 2014


By: Edward Richardson, Berwick, Maine March 5, 2014

     As I was reading the news today, I suddenly got an image in my head I could not shake:

     I saw Our Flag falling towards the ground…

     For those who have never stood at attent...ion holding Our Flag for hours at a time through a divisional change of command ceremony, there is something that every soldier knows…
Yet, in my image, I see it falling towards the ground and NO ONE is there to catch it…
     However, there IS someone there….

     I am there!

     We are ALL THERE!

     It used to be back in the days of the revolution, the civil war that, if a soldier saw Our Flag falling towards the ground during battle, that he would do whatever it took to STOP it from touching the ground, even if it meant his death…

     Why? Because, the flag represents not only the existence of our country, but also the lives of all those who defend it now or have defended it in the past. 

     The symbolism of a flag draped casket comes to mind as being the soldiers last chance to support the flag as if to continue, even in death, preventing Our Flag from falling to the ground, from falling from the view of the world, from falling from the annals of history.

     America needs EVERY CITIZEN to STEP FORWARD and SEIZE the staff of Our Flag and support it and keep it from falling! 


     The best way to do that is to READ THE CONSTITUTION and READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Look up the meanings of the words LIBERTY, FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE in the dictionary. Learn the meaning of phrases such as “…shall not be infringed.” and “Congress shall make no law…” as well as words such as establishment, speech, assemble, petition, redress, grievances and especially what it means to have a “right” to something.

     We ALL must put just as much effort into LEARNING about what exactly it was our founders believed LIBERTY to be and what FREEDOMS and RIGHTS they intended to pass on to their posterity and progeny as soldiers put into preventing Our Flag from being dragged through the dust.

     Once you have a firm understanding of the Rights our founders intended to secure for us, look around you, at your local government, your state government and especially at the federal government. Once you look at them with a mind enlightened by the TRUTH of what our founders intended for us, and you see the TRUTH of the TYRANNY being exercised over us you will also see that Our Flag is falling and that it is up to US to SAVE IT!