Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 2, 2014
By:  Edward Richardson (SSGRichDAV)

Dear “Grande Olde Party”,
You recently sent me a letter asking if I have abandoned the Republican Party.  No, I have not abandoned it, it has abandoned me!  In response, I offer this open letter to ALL party members, especially those currently in office:

When I joined the GOP, I joined what I thought was the party for conservatives, the party that insists on applying the Constitution conservatively, sticking with the original intent and text.
Ever since I joined, the GOP has moved farther and farther toward being just another branch of the Democratic party.  The GOP leadership in both houses of congress continually ignores the conservative voices SCREAMING for them to PLEASE return to conservative principles and values and to PLEASE STOP VOTING IN SUPPORT OF THE DEMOCRATIC LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE AGENDA!

The GOP also NEEDS to STOP actively BLOCKING the REAL CONSERVATIVES that are trying to replace the more liberal incumbents. 
It is time for the current Republican politicians to STOP worrying about just short-term “feel good” issues and being reelected and to START worrying about the LONG TERM SURVIVAL of our Republic! 

How long can America continue to allow the Executive and Judicial branches of our government to ignore, circumvent and/or destroy the authority of our founding documents that where put in place to protect us from just this kind of corruption and tyranny?
What issues should the GOP pursue to SAVE our country?  How about supporting the Constitution?  How about supporting the spirit as well as the content of your oaths of office?

To provide a little more guidance:
EVERY GOP candidate needs to state clearly and emphatically:

1.       That they believe that life starts at conception and any abortion (chemical or surgical) is therefore murder.  A MORAL society needs to further emphasize that sexual intercourse is not a form of recreation but an intimate act between a husband and a wife.

2.       That homosexuality is NOT NORMAL.  Just because an individual is sexually attracted to another member of the same sex does not mean that it is morally right for him or her to act on that attraction by engaging in disgusting and medically ill-advised activity.  While I do not think that it should be illegal for them to do so, it should be frowned upon by a moral society and strongly discouraged, NOT NORMALIZED.

3.       That our immigration system is broken and ALL immigration needs to be FROZEN until it can be fixed. 

a.       ALL CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS NEED TO BE REVIEWED to ensure that they represent the best interests of the American people, NOT the best interests of American BUSINESSES.  If American businesses need more high tech workers, they need to figure out how to get them from among Americans.  They need to hire TRAINABLE candidates and TEACH THEM what they need them to know just as they used to do with APPRENTICESHIPS in the trades.

b.      Legal immigration should be very limited and allowed only for individuals who will:

                                                                          i.      Bring a benefit to our society.

                                                                        ii.      Can prove that they have already secured long-term employment that will provide them with sufficient income to support themselves.

                                                                      iii.      They should not be allowed to take the oath of citizenship until they have already proven that they are willing to and have already started to assimilate into our AMERICAN society.

                                                                       iv.      The only relatives that should be allowed to immigrate are the spouse and children of the initial applicant.  If their parents, siblings, cousins or uncles want to come here, they need to apply on their own merit.

c.       Illegal immigration MUST be STOPPED COMPLETELY! 

                                                                          i.      The border MUST be secured even if through the use of deadly force.  Literally THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants DIE each year sneaking into our country.  If we started shooting anyone who tries to cross our border (after giving an appropriate advance notice) we would only have to shoot a few before the others got the idea that we are serious and stop dying in the desert trying to come here.  We need to frame this solution as being a way to SAVE LIVES.

                                                                        ii.      ANYONE who enters or has entered our country illegally MUST be DEPORTED as soon as possible.  NO OTHER OPTION is nor should be acceptable.  There is one TRUTH that everybody keeps tiptoeing around; when these individuals crossed our border; they knew that they could be deported at any time, so let’s fulfill their expectations. 

                                                                      iii.      Anyone who feels they are being persecuted and wishes to seek asylum needs to go to the nearest United States Embassy that is still OUTSIDE our borders and submit an application stating the facts of their case.

4.       That how someone pays for healthcare should be an individual responsibility.  What needs to be addressed is WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE?  

a.       Doctors, clinics and hospitals have to cover their operating expenses and still make a REASONABLE profit.  Let’s make sure that their profit margins ARE REASONABLE.

b.      One of the BIGGEST expenses for the medical industry is MALPRACTICE insurance.  We need to place limits on medically related lawsuit awards.  This is the ONLY WAY that malpractice insurance premiums will come down.  There should also be limits on how much the lawyers can charge to handle these cases.

c.       Another BIG expense is the high cost of getting an education as a doctor.  We need to look at WHY colleges and universities charge so much for medical school tuition.  Some of it is related to high malpractice insurance premiums as they have also been sued in such cases, but there is no reason that an anatomy class should cost so much more than an algebra class or any other class.  They all involve a set number of classroom hours, lab hours and instructor hours.  There should be a way to control these costs.

5.       We no longer need the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as anything other than an advisory council.  There are sufficient laws in place to protect the environment and America already has a judicial branch that can handle prosecuting violations of the law.  The investigative and enforcement departments at the EPA need to be eliminated.

6.       That our income tax system is broken and the Internal Revenue Service is OUT OF CONTROL!

a.       The entire tax code needs to be repealed and replaced with a FLAT RATE income tax.  All income that falls above the poverty level should be taxed at the same rate regardless of how rich you are.  The tax can apply to both individual income and business profits but should NOT APPLY to capital gains, dividends, inheritances or interest income on personal savings accounts.

b.      The IRS needs to be reduced to the appropriate number of processors to handle the new tax filing paperwork.  The IRS does not need investigative or enforcement departments either.  If tax fraud is suspected, they should hand the case over to the Attorney General’s office or the FBI for investigation and prosecution.

7.       That legislation needs to be passed stating that our Constitution can only secure the rights of OUR CITIZENS.  If the citizens of other countries want the same rights, they need to stay home and change their own governments so they can have them, NOT run away to America.

8.       That ALL FOREIGN AID needs to be FROZEN until the Federal Budget is BALANCED and then each country’s foreign aid needs to be reauthorized by congress.  Each country should be allowed only ONE aid package and the amounts and justifications for those packages must be posted online for review 30 days prior to being voted on.  If a country is receiving aid from us and does not spend it on the priorities they stated in their request for aid, then they should lose ALL aid and no new aid given until a new government  is instituted that will not lie to us about what they want to spend OUR money on.

9.       That our MILITARY needs to be the BEST trained, BEST equipped force on earth.  When they are needed, they should be told the objective of the operation and then left alone to achieve it through the most effective means at their disposal.  There is only one way to win a battle and that is to TOTALLY DEFEAT your enemy.  Anything short of that just leaves the job unfinished and allows for our enemies to rise again and to need to be fought again.  Yes, war is ugly which is why it should only be used as a last resort, but, once it is chosen, stay out of the way and let the war-fighters do their job.

10.   Whether or not we use torture, what weapon systems we have and what the capabilities of those systems are should neither be confirmed nor denied.  Answering this type of question only provides aid to our enemies.  Instilling fear in our enemies is one of the most effective tools we have to PREVENT conflicts.

11.   That the dictates of Islam and Sharia law are incompatible with the structure of our society as defined by our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) and therefore the practice of Islam is not allowed in our country.  In addition, because Islam is not a religion but a socio-political system of repression and control, it will no longer be recognized as a religion by the United States.

12.   That the Constitution guarantees that our PRE-EXISTING right to keep and bear arms will not be infringed, thus ALL FEDERAL and STATE laws that in any way restrict, regulate, register or limit the keeping, carrying (concealed or open) or using of personal arms (firearms, bows, crossbow, knives, swords, etc.) are NULL and VOID.

13.   That when any individual is convicted of a felony, they have proved that they cannot be trusted to not abuse their rights.  Therefore:

a.       Their rights are forfeited until they have served their sentence AND they have proven to the satisfaction of their state Governor AND their state Senator that they have reformed themselves and are now worthy of being trusted again. 

b.      The only rights felons retain while in prison are the right to food, shelter, medical care and protection from abuse either by their keepers or by their fellow prisoners.

c.       Federal prisons need to be set in southern states and constructed and as demonstrated by Arizona’s Sheriff Arpaio.  If tents are good enough for our troops in the desert then they are good enough for our prisoners here at home.

d.      Hard labor is not abuse; it is coercive discipline.  Prison should NOT be a pleasant experience.  It is supposed to be a punishment.  The more prisoners don’t like it in prison the more likely they are to not do anything that would cause them to have to go back.

14.   The Department of Education is NOT NEEDED and should be immediately closed down.

15.   Stop bull-shitting us with the “NEED TO BE COMPASSIONATE.”  Is it compassionate to allow citizens of foreign countries to run away from their problems instead of making them stay there and fix them?  What about the compassion for those they left behind?  Is it compassionate to allow homosexuals to believe that they are normal instead of enlightening them to the fact that they have a problem that they need to deal with?  Is it compassionate to allow a woman to abort an unwanted pregnancy further enabling her immoral use of sex as RECREATION instead of SAVING the NEW LIFE inside her?  Is it compassionate to NOT BOMB an enemy target because it is hiding behind “innocent” civilians instead of removing the enemy target by killing some “innocent” civilians so that the hundreds of thousands of other civilians can be rescued from oppression?  Right now, with the state of our economy and our monolithic debt, the most compassionate thing we could do for the world is to STOP helping for now so we can better and more quickly get our financial house in order so that we could then have greater resources to more effectively help.  What we need to do is to learn how to frame this argument to show how the obvious compassion is actually cruelty and that what seems at first glance to be cruel, in the long run is the most compassionate solution.

Republican Cheat-Sheet for quick answers on the issues:

Illegal immigration-Wrong
Secure the border by any means-Right
Any form of AMNESTY-Wrong
Legal immigration-Out-of-Control
Illegal immigrants have rights under our Constitution-Wrong
Our Constitution can only guarantee rights to our citizens-Right
Photo ID to VOTE-Right
Islam a religion-Wrong
Islam as a socio-political tool to control others and subvert/demean women-Right
Islam as a source of tremendous violence in the world-Right
Support Israel-Right
Any aid to Palestinians = aiding terrorists
Foreign aid-Out-of-Control
HUMANITARIAN foreign aid-Should be provided by private means-NOT TAX DOLLARS!
Tort reform-Right
Gun control-Wrong
Speech control-Wrong
Free and INDEPENDENT press-No longer exists in America
Media reporting OPINIONS as FACTS-Wrong
Media reporting OPINIONS as NEWS-Wrong
Balanced Budget-Right
Supreme Court Justices MAKING LAW-Wrong
Supreme Court “Reading into…” or determining “intent” of legislation-Wrong
Supreme Court ruling on the actual text of legislation/laws-Right
Politically Correct = polite LIE!
Politi-double-speak = Refusal to take a stand.
Career Politician-Wrong
Term Limits-Right
Common Core-Wrong
Local control of curriculum-Right
School Vouchers-Right
Drug testing for Food Stamps/Welfare-Right
Oil exploration off coasts-Right (if done responsibly)
Keystone XL-Right
Congress regulating light bulbs-Wrong
Allowing religious leaders freedom of speech in church-Right
Revoking tax-exempt status if they speak about politics-Wrong
IRS SPYING on religious organizations to see if they are talking politics-Wrong

I do not know how I can be clearer in defining what CONSERVATIVE Americans want from our leadership.  But, I can tell you that the clock is running down to the point when Americans are not going to wait for our elected leaders to fix the ship of state and steer it back onto the course set by our fore-fathers.  And, when that time comes, Americans WILL FIGHT for our rights and do as the Declaration of Independence states is our RIGHT, OUR DUTY to REMOVE you and install new stewards to tend to the rudder of OUR ship!

We want a return to a MORAL society based on our founding documents and the principles and values espoused by them. 



Thursday, August 14, 2014

Obama's Own Words Show Him To Be A TRAITOR!

REPOST attempt to get a share button on this..
Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening.

The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'. From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11 : 48 : 04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press"

THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag. General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.  The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very Least, "Stand and Face It".

SenatorObama replied :

  "As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides. There are a lot of people
in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. The anthem itself conveys a war-like
message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued : "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose.
I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In
my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better
offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance
to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of
Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our
governments ...."
When I Become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at
war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have
placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and
I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become The President of the United States and I have put my
HATRED aside. I will use MY POWER to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife
and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the
United States of America "
Yes, you read it right. I for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg ,Washington Post

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Operation American Spring Taking Off in Washington, D.C.

I hope that EVERYONE who can make it to D.C. goes to this!

I wish I could, but I am unable to travel right now.  Good Luck and GOD SPEED to ALL who attend.  May they fullfill their mission if it be God's will.

God Bless them all and God PLEASE Bless America AGAIN?

Together For Liberty!

Disabled Veteran in need....

I hate to have to do it, but I feel an urgenct desparation to get going on this...any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Just post a comment here and I will contact you.  Thanks!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Which Federal Agencies Should Be Armed?

By:  Edward Richardson, Berwick, ME, May 6, 2014

America’s federal agencies have a gun control problem!  Does it strike anyone else as suspicious that every federal agency seems to have an armed enforcement division?

I have a solution:  We need to pass gun control legislation for the federal government.

Who should be armed?

Obviously, the military must be armed (and should be allowed to carry on base for self-defense and the defense of their comrades in arms.  Included in this are the Military Police units and the branch related Criminal Investigation sections.

The Border Patrol (USBP), Immigrations, and Customs Enforcement (ICE) need to be armed.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should be armed if for no other reason than to protect themselves from the crooks.

The Secret Service, the Capitol Police, Park Rangers and the Transportation Security Administration should also be armed.

NO OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES should be armed!  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) do not need weapons.  In the case of the DHS, we were originally led to believe that it was just going to coordinate between existing Law Enforcement Organizations (LEOs) and be a clearinghouse for the sharing of intelligence data. 

If any agency finds that they need someone investigated, apprehended or defended they should be required to submit a request to the appropriate law enforcement organization (LEO).  If the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) needs to enforce a court order, they should have to go to the FBI, State Police or local Sherriff to request assistance in serving the warrant or enforcing the court order.

This solution keeps the use of arms by the government under strict control to ensure against a tyrannical government covertly raising a secret army outside the limitations of constitutional oversight and limitations.  It also ensure that all supposed “law enforcement” operations are done by trained professionals who know how to get the job done without violating the Constitution, individual rights or State/County laws or ordinances.

This solution also will consolidate the purchasing of arms and ammunition avoiding unnecessary duplication of assets.  There is no reason for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the United States Postal Service (USPS) or the Social Security Administration (SSA) to maintain their own separate security forces.  If they need security guards at their offices, they can put the requirements up for bid and hire civilian security companies to meet their needs.

There may be a few other federal agencies that should be allowed to be armed such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the National Security Administration (NSA) so that they can successfully perform their missions.  I do not claim to know all the agencies of the federal government or the purpose for each, but does anyone doubt whether the Department of Energy (DOE) or the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) need to have armed enforcement divisions?

It is time for “We the people…” to insist that our government exercise gun control!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sacrificing Soldiers to Make ILLEGALS, Legal?

By:  Edward Richardson, Disabled Veteran, Berwick, ME, May 4, 2014

Representative Jeff Denham(R-CA) has proposed new legislation; "Encourage New Legalized Immigrants to Start Training", or “ENLIST,” Act (H.R. 2377). 

This bill would allow the non-citizen children of illegal aliens (referred to as “Dreamers”) to join our military and then receive expedited processing for citizenship. 

The members of our military already face numerous pressures that distract from their missions.  Those distractions range from women serving on the front lines, to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, to soldiers even facing disciplinary actions for openly expressing their faith.  Soldiers are continuously placed in situations that test moral limits.  Allowing illegal immigrants, who we do not know to serve in our the military alongside our most patriotic citizens, is a dangerous precedence to set and a dangerous experiment to conduct with the lives of our soldiers.  It is completely irresponsible to place that kind of trust in the hands of individuals with no record of their background or allegiance.  

The bottom line is simple.  Serving in the United States Military is a privilege and service itself is a benefit for those who volunteer to defend this nation.  Simply turning military service into a penance for those who break the law, is counter to our proud military tradition.  Military service should not be a punishment for criminals; it should be an honor and reward for citizens who are looking for one of many ways to ensure the posterity of liberty.

If this legislation is enacted, it will cost soldier’s lives and the loss of even one soldier’s life just so a Senator or a Representative can feel good about helping people who are not even American citizens is a price that is too high to pay.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


By:  Edward Richardson, April 21, 2014

I just re-posted an article I wrote about 2 years ago (Who Makes The Call?) so you, my readers can refer to it.

In addition to my BLOG here ( ) I have a Facebook Group, with almost 7,000 members, where my users and myself try to keep each other informed and frequently post action items that include links to assist users in doing just that; entitled “United Patriots to Restore Our American Republic (UPROAR)” .  I also use my personal Facebook page to share news items among almost 5,000 "Friends." and over 300 "Followers."  I also try to post IMPORTANT items in the more than 400 "Groups" that I am a member of.  On Twitter I have over 1,200 "Followers.  I am telling you this because THIS POST is SO IMPORTANT that I will be "pushing" it out through every channel of communications that I have access to and I encourage ALL who read this to do the same.  "Share" it, "Tweet" it, "Email" it even print out copies and "Snail-Mail" it.  Fax it to every fax number you can find.

I have read of others trying and failing to reach American citizens that are so entrenched in video games, the next hit movie or the latest tabloid pictures of some actor, actress or singer trying their best to win the “Tramp-of-the-Year” award.  Too many Americans have abdicated their responsibilities as citizens to educate themselves on just how their country’s government works or even what rights they have, why they have them or even the definitions of important words like “liberty,” “freedom” and “sovereignty.”

America has the greatest form of government ever devised by man!  However, it has become infested with individuals who are ignoring their responsibility to follow their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution as well as the implied mandate to do the people’s business and to do only that which is clearly in the best interests of the country.  They would rather work to further their own warped agenda to gain total control over “the people.”  They do not care what laws they break or trusts they betray as long as they can continue to have power over their fellow man.  They are having a large measure of success mainly because the majority of the American people are just not paying attention.  The time for going through life avoiding talking about Religion or politics is over.  That is precisely how we got into the situation in which we find ourselves.

 Americans can no longer muddle through life buried in their self-interests, iPhones or worthless mainstream media “news” stories on what teenage heartthrob was arrested or what the latest weight loss plan entails.  We can no longer take it for granted that our rights will not be taken away.  Many Americans think that they will always be able to keep their rights because "The Constitution protects them for us!"  What they fail to realize (because they either do not take the time to pay attention to what the politicians are doing in Washington, D.C. or they fail to understand that the mainstream media [ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, etc.] are purposely keeping them in the dark, purposely keeping the truth hidden from them)   is that there are many in our government who are actively trying to do just that.  Their attacks on our rights are hidden behind words such as “politically correct” (God forbid that they should just tell the truth),. They tell us we must be “tolerant” of others (such as Muslims who want to put us all under their “Sharia” law that would eliminate women’s rights, legalize child marriage, genital mutilation, honor killings and the killing of anyone who is gay or refuses to convert to their sick cult they call a “religion”).  Or, the fraction of a percent of our society that call themselves “LGBT” that want us to accept degenerate and immoral behavior as “normal.”  They tell us we must “embrace multiculturalism” instead of encouraging assimilation of immigrants into our American culture causing the “Balkanization” of our cities, counties and states (look at Detroit, Michigan).  They want to wipe out the rule of law in one fell swoop by granting “amnesty” in one form or another to what could wind up being over 35 million illegal aliens who have already demonstrated that they do not respect our laws. 

Sadly, the time has come.  Patriots need to step up and defend the rights of the uninformed to be, well, uninformed.  After much thought and research, it has become clear that IT IS TIME!

My prior blog post (referenced above) asks, “Who makes the call?”

If not me, who?  If not now, when?


It is time for our government to hear our UPROAR!


On May 16, 2014, a tremendous crowd of Patriotic Americans who have been paying attention are going to gather on the Washington Mall.  This is not going to be your usual 3 or 4-hour event where people show up, make great speeches and then disappear.  The purpose of this gathering is not to make speeches but to garner sufficient news coverage of our cause that the politicians in Washington, D.C. will not dare to ignore our demands.  The goal is to overwhelm our government through peaceful assembly effectively shutting it down until certain demands are met.  It is fully expected that this event may last for several months.  Our demands include the removal of numerous individuals from office and the initiation of legal proceedings against them for dereliction of duty due to their failure to uphold their oaths of office and their failure to conduct the people’s business in favor of conducting their own agendas tailored to reward their campaign donors and usurp the rights of "We the people..."  It has been proven numerous times that we can no longer count on those in power to police each other (I mean how far have the investigations into Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservative 501c3/4 groups, the ATF “walking” guns to Mexico, etc. gotten?)  We cannot even count on them to enforce laws that they themselves asked for and put into place (how many times has our President unconstitutionally "changed" the Affordable Care Act?  The Attorney General [the "Chief" law enforcement officer in the country] has publicly announced that he WILL NOT enforce the Defense of Marriage Act nor will he enforce many of the immigration laws. 

For more details on this event go to

If you cannot attend, I call on you to PRAY FOR OUR SUCCESS and do everything you can to support it.  Those who show up are going to need supplies and encouragement.  Everyone is encouraged to try and bring most of the supplies they will need for themselves along with any extras they can donate to help others.  A good way to show support is to coordinate through other supporting groups such as “Overpasses for America” (  News just released today states that “Gun Owners of America” has endorsed this event and should soon have some ways that you can help posted on their web site .  You can show support by assembling at your state capitol and staying there as long as it takes to restore our American republic.  Another way to support it is to pass along this message to everyone you know.  Do not worry about whether or not they agree with you.  Send it to them anyway.  This is more important that what they think of you.  You can also work ahead of time on creating articles and blog posts explaining why you support OAS so you can have them ready to go when the event happens.

This is NOT a call to ARMS (not yet anyway).  It is expected that there will be so many Patriots showing up that arms will not be required.  The sheer number of people will be sufficient to affect our ends.

I encourage all of you in the strongest terms available to attend this event if there is any way that you possibly can!  I leave you with my battle cry: 

The fight is a good fight for a righteous cause!  Though we are bloodied, we are not beaten!  Onward, onward, into the fray lest the enemy think us weakened, for all is darkest before the dawn and victory oft' snatched from the jaws of defeat." 

(Edward Richardson-January 1, 2001)

(Note:  I have searched far and wide to make sure that this quote is not attributed to anyone else.  If you know of anyone else who claims it please let me know and I will gladly give them exclusive credit to it).


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who Makes The Call? (REPOST)

By:  Edward Richardson, April 29, 2012

This may be the most important article I have ever written, but, I feel the time has come for the REAL Patriots to consider these questions, these issues. It is fine to sit back on the internet and blog about “this” violation of our rights or “that” person who is not representing his constituents, but, the time will come when just blogging will not be enough. When real choices that effect real people and endanger real lives need to be made, who will we follow?

When we can’t take it anymore, when we have all had enough, when the only choice left is to abandon liberty and appease tyrants or to stand for America and the Constitution, who makes the call?

We all know that, given the current state of affairs, that the day of decision is getting closer and closer every day. When it gets here, who do we trust to make the call? Who will we follow on our way to Washington D.C. to repossess the Whitehouse from the usurper-in-chief? Who will lead us up the steps of the Capitol to eject the non-representing representatives and senators? How do we stop the Department of Homeland Security from becoming the Department of Tyrannical Protection? Will the FBI, NSA, CIA and all the other alphabet soup agencies just step aside and let us restore America or are they all too vested in continuing the unacceptable status quo? Will the Capitol Police, the Secret Service and the military answer the call to help the Patriots trying to save America or will they defend the tyrants just because they claim to be “in power”?

And, after that, who will make the call on who else needs to be replaced? All of the appointed and non-appointed minions of unfettered liberalism must go, or, they will just wait until the next liberal leader gets elected and then proceed with their agenda to turn America into an abomination resembling the former Soviet Union.

The time for these decisions is coming and coming fast! We need to find someone who understands ALL of the ramifications of these decisions, understands that, regardless of the cost, these actions MUST be taken! Yes, some will die in this effort. Hopefully the casualties will be very few. There are those who are “in power” who will not go quietly and will fight tooth-and-nail to try and hold on to their positions of power in the “New World Order”.

Who makes the call? Who has the strength of purpose and courage to not only say “Its Time, Let’s Roll” but also has the brains and leadership ability and command presence to pull all Patriots together, form them into a cohesive, effective force and then hold their leash tightly so that only the necessary amount of force is used and the necessary revolution does not turn into an un-necessary blood-bath, for either side.

In every revolution, someone has to fire the first shot and someone will be the first casualty. Only history can teach us what needs to be done, and, in the future, historians will decide whether or not today’s Patriots laid down and rolled over for their new masters or if the Second American Revolutionary War saved our way of life from being wiped from the face of the earth.

I ask again, who? Who will you; the American Patriots, the Tea Party Patriots, the Constitutionalists, the Conservatives, etc. follow? Who do you trust to make these kinds of decisions for you, for America?
Together For Liberty!

Monday, April 14, 2014


By: Edward Richardson, Berwick, Maine March 5, 2014

     As I was reading the news today, I suddenly got an image in my head I could not shake:

     I saw Our Flag falling towards the ground…

     For those who have never stood at attent...ion holding Our Flag for hours at a time through a divisional change of command ceremony, there is something that every soldier knows…
Yet, in my image, I see it falling towards the ground and NO ONE is there to catch it…
     However, there IS someone there….

     I am there!

     We are ALL THERE!

     It used to be back in the days of the revolution, the civil war that, if a soldier saw Our Flag falling towards the ground during battle, that he would do whatever it took to STOP it from touching the ground, even if it meant his death…

     Why? Because, the flag represents not only the existence of our country, but also the lives of all those who defend it now or have defended it in the past. 

     The symbolism of a flag draped casket comes to mind as being the soldiers last chance to support the flag as if to continue, even in death, preventing Our Flag from falling to the ground, from falling from the view of the world, from falling from the annals of history.

     America needs EVERY CITIZEN to STEP FORWARD and SEIZE the staff of Our Flag and support it and keep it from falling! 


     The best way to do that is to READ THE CONSTITUTION and READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Look up the meanings of the words LIBERTY, FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE in the dictionary. Learn the meaning of phrases such as “…shall not be infringed.” and “Congress shall make no law…” as well as words such as establishment, speech, assemble, petition, redress, grievances and especially what it means to have a “right” to something.

     We ALL must put just as much effort into LEARNING about what exactly it was our founders believed LIBERTY to be and what FREEDOMS and RIGHTS they intended to pass on to their posterity and progeny as soldiers put into preventing Our Flag from being dragged through the dust.

     Once you have a firm understanding of the Rights our founders intended to secure for us, look around you, at your local government, your state government and especially at the federal government. Once you look at them with a mind enlightened by the TRUTH of what our founders intended for us, and you see the TRUTH of the TYRANNY being exercised over us you will also see that Our Flag is falling and that it is up to US to SAVE IT!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

WANTED: Real Patriot Candidates for Government

By: Edward Richardson, March 5, 2014

                My definition of a Patriot:  A Patriot is a Believer!  He Believes in God.  He believes that our rights are God given.  He believes that our founding fathers were divinely inspired in their work to create The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution.  A Patriot believes that those two documents, combined with the clarifications given by the Federalist Papers, have created the greatest country in the world.

                A Patriot Candidate will speak honestly and vow to work to return our government “…of The People, by The People, for The People…” to The People.  A Patriot will ALWAYS put God and Country First.

                We NEED MANY Patriots to replace the TRAITORS that now serve in our government.  Who are these TRAITORS?  They are the Representatives, Senators and Supreme Court Justices that continually work to grow government instead of limiting it.  That work to usurp the rights of the people and trade our Liberty away for personal gain or in an attempt to cement their own power over others.  They are easy to recognize as they all speak the language of the New World Order, Politically Correct Double-Speak.

                A Patriot speaks forthrightly, clearly and honestly and can never be accused of being obtuse or confusing.  A Patriot knows that the world CAN be defined in clear right or wrong, black and white (I am NOT talking about race here so do not even start with me).  Only Liberals, Socialists and Communists claim that there are gray areas and they only CLAIM that to confuse, obfuscate and mislead the weak into believing their way is better when their real goal is to dominate and Control the people.

                A Patriot is not afraid to run for office on the motto “Right Makes Might.”  A Patriot knows that ALL of the following are Right for America, Right for the World:

                1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and it applies to citizens only!  The Constitution grants NO RIGHTS to NON-Citizens.  Foreigners who are in this country legally as invited guests have only those rights afforded them by the various treaties and international agreements currently in effect.  Illegal immigrants are granted NO RIGHTS by our Constitution.

2. There is NO “Separation of Church and State” in the Constitution.  In fact, the Constitution is supposed to guarantee that we can worship God any way and any WHERE we choose including basing our laws on religious principles of right and wrong, good and bad.  The only RESTRICTION that the Constitution has concerning religion is that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” which means that the government cannot establish any one religion as an “official” religion.  Any other laws limiting the worship of God ANYWHERE or at ANY TIME are therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL as they imply that there is NO RELIGION when the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution clearly imply that there is.

                3. Any belief structure that calls for the destruction of all who do not advocate for that structure is inherently EVIL and is clearly NOT a religion (Yes I am talking about Islam) and therefore does NOT qualify for Constitutional protection.  In fact, BANNING any organization that follows such a belief should be seriously considered as a measure to protect the innocent and preserve the peace.

                4. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is God given and should NOT be controlled or limited by government in any way. Any law which places prerequisites for the keeping or bearing of arms or limiting the keeping or bearing of arms are therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  This is the right that lets the people protect themselves from having any of the rest of their rights usurped or abridged.

                5. Freedom of speech applies to all speech that does not libel, defame, cause injury or infringe the rights of others.  Pornography is NOT free speech (it also NOT art).  One citizen’s freedom of speech ends where another citizen’s right to not be libeled or defamed begins.

                6. Freedom of the press must be applied to a RESPONSIBLE press. It used to be that the press would police themselves.  Now, most of the press has become complicit in forwarding the goals of and protecting the traitors in our government.  The liberal, progressive and socialistic goals of the Democratic Party are the GREATEST THREAT to Liberty since America was founded.  Any press that knowingly publishes information that can cause harm to this country must be held accountable and be prosecuted for treason.  Any press that publishes OPINION as FACT needs to be prosecuted for betraying the public trust.

                7. Citizenship is NOT a right, it is a PRIVILEGE that is granted to the children of citizens and must be earned by all others.  Immigration must be controlled and all immigrants must be required to assimilate.  I am not saying they must forget their heritage.  They just need to accept their new heritage as Americans.  They need to learn our history, our language and our laws.  Immigration must also be limited.  As long as there are Americans that need work, immigration must be suspended.  Is it right to deny immigration to people who’s lives would be greatly improved if they were allowed in?  YES!  Because, by keeping them out, we ensure that America remains strong and thus remains better able to help others in the world.  Instead of encouraging others to immigrate to America, we should be encouraging them to stay home and fix the problems that exist in their own country.

                8.  Once a criminal has been convicted of a felony requiring prison confinement, they have demonstrated, by committing a crime against their fellow citizens that they do not deserve to enjoy the rights afforded by the Constitution.  They do not have the right to cable TV, pool tables, air conditioning, etc.  Prison needs to be a place of punishment not Club Med. Spending time in prison should be such a terrible ordeal that NO ONE would EVER want to return there.  I am not saying that prisoners should be tortured, just that they should also not be entertained.  They should be confined to their cells with the exception of a brief exercise period.  Showers should be cold, food bland but nutritious, beds hard, clothes utilitarian and haircuts mandatory.  No mail, no telephone, no music, no books.

                9. The 10th Amendment needs to be clarified.  It is GLARINGLY apparent that the rights and powers that the government has been allowed to exercise by the people need to be more clearly defined in order to rein in the current BLATANT abuses and prevent future usurpations of the rights of the people.

                10. Measures need to be put in place allowing the people, the citizens to better control the actions of their elected representatives including methods to more easily reverse and/or veto through ballot initiatives, any legislation that is passed and signed into law.

                11. Marriage is the union of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN for the purpose of establishing a sound home environment and procreation.  ANY NON-HETEROSEXUAL urges or proclivities are by their very nature ABNORMAL and anyone suffering from such feelings or urges needs to seek psychological treatment as well as counseling and training on how to control and not give in to said feelings or urges.

                12. Every woman has a right to choose what happens to her body, but that right ends where the rights of her unborn child begin.  The woman needs to make here choice at the same point in the relationship as the man, BEFORE intercourse takes place.  Measures to increase modesty and respect for their fellow man need to be made a part of early public education.

                13. Public education needs to be reformed.  The first 8 years of schooling need to be devoted to the basics, reading, writing, arithmetic, U.S. history, geography, modesty, morality (a curriculum instilling a strong sense of right and wrong) and basic science.  I do not see why this curriculum could not be standardized and computerized nationwide.  The curriculum needs to be published and a process to review and revise it need to be put in place that prevents partisan interpretations from being taught as facts.  Computers should be integrated to the highest degree possible in teaching these basic subjects.  High School curriculums should emphasis math and science combined with civics and a deeper understanding of U.S. history.  World history should also be included with an emphasis on reinforcing morality and an understanding that there is evil in the world and most of the time evil people cannot be negotiated with.

                I hope that this article has enlightened my readers as to the kind of individual that we need to find to lead this country out of the darkness it has sunk into and back up to the top of the hill.  It is going to take a lot of polish, however, to once again make the city on the hill shine!
If not us, who?  If not now, when?