This is a starting outline for a “Repeal & Replace” bill for the GOP to consider. I have included some things that I know some groups would want but this is just a starting point, so, don’t blow-up my feed about them. The amounts included for the TORT REFORM section are just a starting point to give them an idea of what I intended. Hopefully this will get to the right people to have some effect on the process.
The American Healthcare Freedom Act
An act to repeal and replace the ACA (Obama-Care).
1. The ACA is hereby REPEALED in its entirety.
2. This REPEAL is effective immediately when signed by the President of the United States with following exceptions:
a. All currently issued health insurance plans will remain in force as long the consumer stays current on their premiums or until a new plan becomes available.
b. States the expanded their Medicaid programs as outlined under the ACA will have the additional funds that have been provided reduced by 1/3 each year until at the end of three years they are terminated. This will reduce those states to an equivalent level of funding as provided to states that did not expand their Medicaid program.
3. Tort Reform – Medical malpractice court awards are hereby capped as follows:
a. For loss of life – reimbursement of all medical costs and 3 to 5 million dollars on a sliding scale based on the age of deceased with the greater award going to the younger individuals.
b. For loss of limb, eye, ear or other significant body part - reimbursement of all medical costs including any future costs directly related to the loss and any necessary reconstructive surgery to alleviate any grossly unsightly scaring and 1 million dollars for each part lost.
c. For all other malpractice cases the award is capped at reimbursement of all medical costs and 1 million dollars.
4. No company that provides malpractice insurance is to have any financial ties to any company that provides health insurance coverage.
5. The HHS Secretary will establish a committee to analyze why the cost of healthcare (not the cost of insurance, but the cost of care itself) is so high and develop and recommend measures to drive down those costs. All aspects of medical care will be studied including but not limited to:
a. Educational costs – Why does it cost so much to train medical personnel?
b. Drug costs – Drugs should be priced at the actual cost of ingredients plus the cost of manufacture with a set surcharge to cover research and development costs. Look into requiring all drug companies to become not-for-profit organizations.
c. Medical equipment, devices, prosthetics and supplies - All medical equipment, devices, prosthetics and supplies should be priced at cost of materials plus cost of manufacturing with a set surcharge to cover research and development. Look into requiring all such companies to become not-for-profit organizations.
d. Costs of procedures – Procedures should be priced to cover actual expenses involved including labor with a set surcharge to cover the overhead of the facility it is performed in. Look into requiring all hospitals to become not-for-profit organizations.
e. Emergent care – investigate requiring hospitals to establish a 2 stage emergency room/urgent care clinic arrangement where true emergent cases are handled and billed at appropriate rates, but, all non-emergent patients that seek care are treated and billed at normal “office visit” rate levels.
6. Any consumer may purchase any healthcare insurance plan they desire from any company in any state. States may require that plans sold in their state to their state citizens meet state requirements, but may not block citizens from purchasing plans out of state that do not meet those requirements.
7. No state shall require any healthcare insurance plan cover contraception related counselling, contraceptive drugs or devices, non-emergent abortions, sex reassignment therapy or surgeries or any other traditionally “ELECTIVE” procedures. They can require plans to cover psychiatric/psychological treatments for gender confused individuals. Gender confused individuals are defined as any individuals who believe that they are any gender other their biological gender as determined by their DNA or those who are sexually attracted to members of their own sex. Such treatment must be directed towards curing them of their confusion with goal of having them accept their biological gender and natural sexual purpose of procreation.