November 7, 2015
Dear Mr. Trump,
I have an idea. It’s BIG, it’s BOLD and it have NEVER been done before.
What would happen if you called a private meeting of all of the current conservative candidates and proposed the following?
1. Donald Trump for President
2. Ben Carson for Vice-President
3. The carefully review of the qualifications, experience and willingness of all other candidates to fill other key cabinet positions to ensure that you have a pre-selected cabinet that can take charge right away and begin the arduous process of rebuilding America by implementing the following actions (subject to your discretion of course):
a. Using your strong negotiation skills to convince our allies that “We are BACK!” and that we WILL support them.
b. Rebuild our military (start by shifting moneys from acquiring new hardware and system to repair and retrofit current hardware and weapon systems and to recruit, train and restore troop levels-then we can go back to developing, purchasing and deploying new systems. We should also look to our allies and see if they have any weapons or systems that we could just adopt from then such as Israel’s Iron Dome).
c. Order the Joint Chiefs of Staff to develop 5 different possible plans of action to deal with the eradication of the treat of Islamic extremism including plans to provide assistance to our NATO allies in Europe for when they finally become fed up (and they will sooner rather than later) and need help eliminating the problem there. A plan must also be drawn up by Homeland Security, the FBI and other federal and state law enforcement for stopping the growth of islam here at home and controlling or eliminating this scourge for our country.
d. Activate the Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard to build a border barrier (beginning with the southern border and then establishing a long term schedule for securing the northern border-we may be able to eliminate the need for a northern border barrier by negotiating with the Canadians to have them tighten up their own immigration policies thus eliminating the need for it).
e. Mandate E-Verify for ALL employers giving them 90 days to verify all current employees and having ICE agents investigate any company that appears to be trying to circumvent the process. If illegal aliens cannot find work they will be forced to go back home. Mandate E-Verify for eligibility to ALL government benefits including, but not limited to, enrollment in public schools, food stamps and Medicaid. Give those who fail to verify 90 days to correct the error or be deported. Require that for ANYONE to request asylum they must request it through our embassy or consulates in their home country (if their home country does not have an embassy, then allow them to use the next closest embassy or consulate). Require ALL illegal immigrants apprehended trying to enter our country to be immediately deported. No hearings, no delays. Require all visa holders to report to the nearest INS office within 30 days to verify their address and contact information or face the immediate revocation of their visas and deportation.
f. Suspend all collection efforts by the IRS pending the implementation of a tax reform package to be proposed to and implemented by the congress. Said package should include drastically reduced business taxes to encourage manufacturers to return jobs to the United States as well as prohibitive tariffs on any products manufactured abroad by American companies.
g. Order the Treasury Department to immediately resume control of our monetary system and immediately suspend the carter of the Federal Reserve Bank pending the outcome of a complete audit.
h. Order the Attorney General to immediately appoint independent prosecutors to investigate and prosecute the numerous suspect actions by not only Barack Obama (or is it Barry Soterro?), Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder including any and all possible accomplices in their various shady dealings.
4. Create a plan for all the conservative candidates to coordinate an advertising plan to sell this idea to the American people without violating campaign finance laws. Perhaps have all candidates start suggesting such a plan and then, as the primaries progress slowly reveal the structure and firm up the details.
I do not know if any of this appeals to you or if you would be able to convince the other candidates to go along with it, but, I feel that this would be an explosive new idea that could really energize the conservative base and hand us a landslide in the general election.
I welcome your personal feedback on this plan and hearing any suggestions you may have towards making it happen.
Edward Richardson
Disable Veteran Voter
Founder of Facebook Group:
United Patriots to Restore Our American Republic (UPROAR)