Thursday, March 27, 2014

WANTED: Real Patriot Candidates for Government

By: Edward Richardson, March 5, 2014

                My definition of a Patriot:  A Patriot is a Believer!  He Believes in God.  He believes that our rights are God given.  He believes that our founding fathers were divinely inspired in their work to create The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution.  A Patriot believes that those two documents, combined with the clarifications given by the Federalist Papers, have created the greatest country in the world.

                A Patriot Candidate will speak honestly and vow to work to return our government “…of The People, by The People, for The People…” to The People.  A Patriot will ALWAYS put God and Country First.

                We NEED MANY Patriots to replace the TRAITORS that now serve in our government.  Who are these TRAITORS?  They are the Representatives, Senators and Supreme Court Justices that continually work to grow government instead of limiting it.  That work to usurp the rights of the people and trade our Liberty away for personal gain or in an attempt to cement their own power over others.  They are easy to recognize as they all speak the language of the New World Order, Politically Correct Double-Speak.

                A Patriot speaks forthrightly, clearly and honestly and can never be accused of being obtuse or confusing.  A Patriot knows that the world CAN be defined in clear right or wrong, black and white (I am NOT talking about race here so do not even start with me).  Only Liberals, Socialists and Communists claim that there are gray areas and they only CLAIM that to confuse, obfuscate and mislead the weak into believing their way is better when their real goal is to dominate and Control the people.

                A Patriot is not afraid to run for office on the motto “Right Makes Might.”  A Patriot knows that ALL of the following are Right for America, Right for the World:

                1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and it applies to citizens only!  The Constitution grants NO RIGHTS to NON-Citizens.  Foreigners who are in this country legally as invited guests have only those rights afforded them by the various treaties and international agreements currently in effect.  Illegal immigrants are granted NO RIGHTS by our Constitution.

2. There is NO “Separation of Church and State” in the Constitution.  In fact, the Constitution is supposed to guarantee that we can worship God any way and any WHERE we choose including basing our laws on religious principles of right and wrong, good and bad.  The only RESTRICTION that the Constitution has concerning religion is that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” which means that the government cannot establish any one religion as an “official” religion.  Any other laws limiting the worship of God ANYWHERE or at ANY TIME are therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL as they imply that there is NO RELIGION when the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution clearly imply that there is.

                3. Any belief structure that calls for the destruction of all who do not advocate for that structure is inherently EVIL and is clearly NOT a religion (Yes I am talking about Islam) and therefore does NOT qualify for Constitutional protection.  In fact, BANNING any organization that follows such a belief should be seriously considered as a measure to protect the innocent and preserve the peace.

                4. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is God given and should NOT be controlled or limited by government in any way. Any law which places prerequisites for the keeping or bearing of arms or limiting the keeping or bearing of arms are therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  This is the right that lets the people protect themselves from having any of the rest of their rights usurped or abridged.

                5. Freedom of speech applies to all speech that does not libel, defame, cause injury or infringe the rights of others.  Pornography is NOT free speech (it also NOT art).  One citizen’s freedom of speech ends where another citizen’s right to not be libeled or defamed begins.

                6. Freedom of the press must be applied to a RESPONSIBLE press. It used to be that the press would police themselves.  Now, most of the press has become complicit in forwarding the goals of and protecting the traitors in our government.  The liberal, progressive and socialistic goals of the Democratic Party are the GREATEST THREAT to Liberty since America was founded.  Any press that knowingly publishes information that can cause harm to this country must be held accountable and be prosecuted for treason.  Any press that publishes OPINION as FACT needs to be prosecuted for betraying the public trust.

                7. Citizenship is NOT a right, it is a PRIVILEGE that is granted to the children of citizens and must be earned by all others.  Immigration must be controlled and all immigrants must be required to assimilate.  I am not saying they must forget their heritage.  They just need to accept their new heritage as Americans.  They need to learn our history, our language and our laws.  Immigration must also be limited.  As long as there are Americans that need work, immigration must be suspended.  Is it right to deny immigration to people who’s lives would be greatly improved if they were allowed in?  YES!  Because, by keeping them out, we ensure that America remains strong and thus remains better able to help others in the world.  Instead of encouraging others to immigrate to America, we should be encouraging them to stay home and fix the problems that exist in their own country.

                8.  Once a criminal has been convicted of a felony requiring prison confinement, they have demonstrated, by committing a crime against their fellow citizens that they do not deserve to enjoy the rights afforded by the Constitution.  They do not have the right to cable TV, pool tables, air conditioning, etc.  Prison needs to be a place of punishment not Club Med. Spending time in prison should be such a terrible ordeal that NO ONE would EVER want to return there.  I am not saying that prisoners should be tortured, just that they should also not be entertained.  They should be confined to their cells with the exception of a brief exercise period.  Showers should be cold, food bland but nutritious, beds hard, clothes utilitarian and haircuts mandatory.  No mail, no telephone, no music, no books.

                9. The 10th Amendment needs to be clarified.  It is GLARINGLY apparent that the rights and powers that the government has been allowed to exercise by the people need to be more clearly defined in order to rein in the current BLATANT abuses and prevent future usurpations of the rights of the people.

                10. Measures need to be put in place allowing the people, the citizens to better control the actions of their elected representatives including methods to more easily reverse and/or veto through ballot initiatives, any legislation that is passed and signed into law.

                11. Marriage is the union of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN for the purpose of establishing a sound home environment and procreation.  ANY NON-HETEROSEXUAL urges or proclivities are by their very nature ABNORMAL and anyone suffering from such feelings or urges needs to seek psychological treatment as well as counseling and training on how to control and not give in to said feelings or urges.

                12. Every woman has a right to choose what happens to her body, but that right ends where the rights of her unborn child begin.  The woman needs to make here choice at the same point in the relationship as the man, BEFORE intercourse takes place.  Measures to increase modesty and respect for their fellow man need to be made a part of early public education.

                13. Public education needs to be reformed.  The first 8 years of schooling need to be devoted to the basics, reading, writing, arithmetic, U.S. history, geography, modesty, morality (a curriculum instilling a strong sense of right and wrong) and basic science.  I do not see why this curriculum could not be standardized and computerized nationwide.  The curriculum needs to be published and a process to review and revise it need to be put in place that prevents partisan interpretations from being taught as facts.  Computers should be integrated to the highest degree possible in teaching these basic subjects.  High School curriculums should emphasis math and science combined with civics and a deeper understanding of U.S. history.  World history should also be included with an emphasis on reinforcing morality and an understanding that there is evil in the world and most of the time evil people cannot be negotiated with.

                I hope that this article has enlightened my readers as to the kind of individual that we need to find to lead this country out of the darkness it has sunk into and back up to the top of the hill.  It is going to take a lot of polish, however, to once again make the city on the hill shine!
If not us, who?  If not now, when?


What Ever Happened To Honesty And Integrity?

It seems as though honesty and integrity have all but disappeared in American politics.  If we are to have ANY hope of RESTORING America to the Constitutional Representative Republic envisioned by our founders, we NEED to REMOVE ANY politician who has EVER avoided giving direct answers on where they stand on the issues or has ever “hedged” or “flip-flopped” on any issue that involves America’s BASIC PRINCIPLES or RIGHTS.

It is NO LONGER ENOUGH to simply take their word for it that they “…(I) wouldn’t lie to you…” because we have all been lied to too often and for too long!
We need to find a way to dig into the backgrounds of ALL candidates for ANY office to see if their LIFE accurately reflects their words.  We need to rely on DEEDS not WORDS.  We cannot even count on our candidates being “endorsed” by people or organizations that we have thought we could trust in the past.  Maybe we should find a way to hire PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS to research them all.  The only problem with that is, CAN WE TRUST THE INVESTIGATORS to NOT be BIASED?
I am not sure what the ultimate answer to this conundrum will turn out to be, but, it is DEFINITELY a conversation that ALL AMERICANS NEED TO HAVE!
If not us, who?  If not now, when?

American Culture, American Heritage

By: Edward Richardson, February 27, 2014           

Remember when immigrants who came to America WANTED to learn to speak our language, learn our history and our way of life?  They actually WANTED to BE AMERICANS?

                The “MULTICULTURALISM” myth has weakened America.  We have allowed our schools to teach our children distorted American history instead of the truth and how to be patriots, what freedom really means and the responsibilities that come with liberty. 

                America, we have OUR OWN HERITAGE & CULTURE, our own history that unites us all.  It starts with Christopher Columbus in 1492, proceeds through about 300 years of struggling just to survive until we declared our independence, wrote a Constitution and fought the revolutionary war.  We have fought many wars since then and have overcome uncounted struggles to become America today.  Some have accused America of various wrongdoings in our past, mistakes were made, and people were wronged.  Nevertheless, these trials and how we handled them and how we look at them today are all part of what it means to BE an American.

                America’s image in the world, until recently, was that of a powerful and righteous force for all that is good, a knight in shining armor never afraid to stand up for freedom, liberty and human rights.  Lately that image has been tarnished by weak, ineffective and even dishonest leaders voted in by an electorate that is poorly educated on the responsibilities that freedom and liberty require of patriots. 

We have a responsibility to teach each other and our children that freedom and liberty must be defended, not only with the sword, but also with honesty and integrity.  There is one thing that MUST stand above all other qualifications for our leaders, they MUST be HONEST!  Without INTEGRITY, corruption is bound to take hold.  As parents and citizens, it is OUR responsibility to pass our American heritage on to our children.  We MUST pass on our culture of honesty and integrity.  We must no longer allow our media to be biased without consequence nor allow Hollywood to continue to use television and movie theatres to push a permissive, immoral agenda that teaches Americans that “if it feels good, just do it.”  Our country has sunk down to the level of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We cannot allow “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” to make us so afraid of hurting someone’s feelings that we are afraid to stand up and BE Americans.  It is OUR FAULT that America is in this mess, because in the interest of “going along to get along” and being afraid of OFFENDING others, we have allowed our children’s teachers and ourselves let America down.  If we do not correct this situation, we may have doomed our progeny to suffer the bonds of tyranny and to fight for their liberty and freedom all over again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

When Patriots Are Called Traitors...

We need to report the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Homeland Security for it's continuing efforts to PROVOKE American Patriots into becoming domestic terrorists. Their continual insistance on refering to our veterans as "possible right wing extreamists" if allowed to continue could become a self-fullfilling proficy. Their constant efforts to paint being a Patriot who supports the Constitution as being anything but the perfect attitude for ALL American...s to have, but, instead to refer to it as an "extreamist" perspective casts severe doubts as to the true patriotism of those in charge of that agency.

Call your congressmen and INSIST on an independent investigation of the DHS and especially it's highest levels of leadership.

Story link:

DHS Report link:

Immigration, A Conservative Approach

By: Edward Richardson (SSGRichDAV), January 22, 2014

                Today I was asked to put down on paper my thoughts on immigration, border security, illegal aliens, and related issues.  So, here are my views and I feel I can say with a certain amount of confidence, based on my experience discussing this subject online with other conservatives as well as my own research into the subject, that these views conform very closely with at least a majority of conservatives in the United States of America.

                It is well known that millions, if not billions, of people from all over the world want to come to America. Some want to come here to share in our freedom (these are the ones who come here legally and actively work to assimilate to our American Heritage), and others want to come here to destroy us from within (as stated be many Islamic leaders). Both of these groups are the greatest reasons to reform our immigration system.  Those that want to share in our freedom and do everything legally must not be cheated out of the opportunity because we have too many illegal aliens here that have been given amnesty so there is no room for the legal immigrants. Those who wish to destroy us must be kept out or be thrown out to protect America and Americans.

                The initial premise that you hear from politicians is that America’s immigration system is broken. They base this assumption on the fact that if it was not broken, we would not 10-12 million illegal aliens running around our country. This premise is flawed as it assumes that those who have come here illegally would not have broken our laws to come here if they could have more easily navigated our legal immigration system. First, there is no way anyone can know that as a fact. Second, if our system was easier to navigate there would simply be more legal immigrants and those who do not want to wait would still come here illegally because they know that just walking across the border or overstaying their visas is an easier way of avoiding having to answer questions that they might find inconvenient.

                Another misguided talking point is that we should do it for the children. After all, they had no choice but to go where their parents took them and it would also be terribly unfair to separate those born here to illegal alien parents from their law breaking mothers and fathers. To this ask one question: Who is responsible for these children being in the circumstances that they find themselves? Is it our fault or is it the fault of their law breaking parents? Their parents knew the minute they decided to break our laws and include their children that they were going to be subject to being arrested and deported at any time. If their children have a problem with that they need to take it up with their parents.

                Others seem to think that we should have pity on them because where they come from life is hard and they are just trying to escape to a better life.  What would they do if there was no place to escape to? They would either suffer tyranny or rise up and fix what is wrong with their own country. By us allowing them the option to flee, we are complicit in the perpetuation of the problems in their homeland.

                How do we fix it? Here is where any liberal reading this will need duct tape to keep their heads from exploding.

                First – FREEZE ALL IMMIGRATION! That’s right, no more visas, no more work permits, nothing. It all comes to a halt until we get BOTH illegal immigration and unemployment under control. There should be no more immigration until unemployment drops below 4% AND we have a plan to prevent any further illegal immigration AND a plan to deal with the illegal aliens already here.

                Second – ESTABLISH REAL CONTROL OVER OUR BORDERS! By NOT having adequate controls on our borders we are being complicit in the deaths of thousands of illegal immigrants every year! We need to build fences. Build addition border crossings and man them with additional Border Patrol agents (this will allow them to be able to more thoroughly vet those crossing the border). Arm border agents with adequate weapons and rules of engagement that allow them to shoot illegal aliens on sight. If we widely publish the fact that in 30 days we are going to start shooting those who have crossed our borders illegally as well as post signs in numerous languages every 100 feet along the borders, many will either decide not to even try to cross or will change their minds at the border when they see the armed agents waiting for them to cross. This policy WILL make it NECESSARY for our Border Patrol agents to shoot and kill some people who cross illegally, but, once we have killed several and returned their bodies and they know we are serious, the illegal crossings will drop precipitously thus SAVING the lives of THOUSANDS of others who would have died in the desert. (Threats only work if you prove that you are willing and able to do what you threaten). The only way to avoid having our Border Patrol shoot illegal aliens when they cross our border would be to build an impenetrable fence/wall that is too high to climb over and is buried hundreds of feet into the ground with sensors to alert us to any tunneling or tampering and that would be enormously expensive and eventually it too would be breached.

                Third – E-VERIFY NEEDS TO BE MANDATORY! Initially, make E-Verify mandatory for ALL new hires. Then, give employers 90 days to process ALL current employees. The system also needs to be applied to non-employee contract laborers. This would EFFECTIVELY REMOVE the “jobs magnet”. E-Verify also need to be used to determine eligibility for ALL welfare/social programs. There is NO REASON for Americans to have their hard earned tax dollars spent on illegal aliens. E-verify can also be used to determine eligibility for public school enrollments. It is understood that there would have to be a short grace period to iron out “glitches” that may come up. Due to the recent reports of massive vote fraud in some areas of the country, we should also consider using E-Verify to vet voter registrations and America REALLY DOES need to REQUIRE a photo ID to vote. Not to require it in this day and age is just asking for the entire process to be corrupted.

                Fourth – STOP IRS PAYMENTS ON SUSPICIOUS FILINGS! Every year the IRS sends BILLIONS of dollars to suspicious filers. They get multiple filings for the same social security number, multiple filings (sometimes in excess of several thousand) from the same address, multiple filings for families with 10, 12, 15 or more children (child tax credit abusers), and multiple filings where the name on the form does not go with the social security number on the form. This is BLATANT NEGLIGENCE on the part of the IRS to NOT DENY these returns until they can verify their veracity and authenticity.

                Fifth – NO MORE IMPORTING OF FOREIGN TALENT! We need to tell corporate America that if they cannot find a qualified American to fill their open job positions that they need to find a TEACHABLE applicant and TRAIN THEM! Americans have always been able to rise to a challenge. It is time that we challenged corporate America to actually INVEST in American workers.

                Sixth – DEPORTATION, NOT AMNESTY! It is wildly unfair to ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS to grant amnesty to ILLEGAL ALIENS! How many LEGAL immigrants had to wait years to come here legally? How many of them currently have family members waiting to come here legally? EVERY ILLEGAL ALIEN granted AMNESTY further delays the process for those waiting patiently to come here LEGALLY. Plus, if we instituted all of the above recommendations, I would hazard to guess that a MAJORITY of current illegal aliens will self-deport as they will not be able to find a job, get food stamps or other state or federal aid nor even an apartment (who is going to rent an apartment to someone who has not way to pay for it).

                Seventh – END BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP! Right now there is no clause in the Constitution that requires America to grant citizenship to any child born here. This is being granted based upon an interpretation of the 14th Amendment which was meant to grant citizenship to the freed slaves. America could, through simple legislation, revise that interpretation by simply stating that only those children born to non-citizen parents that are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States will be granted citizenship and clarifying that illegal aliens are NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. This GIFT should only be granted to the children of our invited guests who are here legally. The way it is now, United States citizenship is being STOLEN by illegal aliens as a means to pry open the door to our social welfare system and the door to (forced) legitimate status.

                Lastly – PUT PREREQUISITES ON LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! People all over the world want to come to America to see if they can seize the dream. We need to be more selective as to who we allow in. Why? Because everyone who we allow in has family members they want to bring here too. A prospective immigrant needs to be able to prove that neither they nor their family members will become a drain on our society. They need to be able to prove that they already have employment waiting for them, that they have sufficient liquid assets to completely support themselves for the first year including paying for health insurance. Before their family members are allowed to get visas they need to prove that their “sponsor” can meet the same requirements for them. It is not fair to the American taxpayers to expect them to pay welfare benefits another country’s poor. It is understood that there will be LIMITED exceptions granted for ASYLUM seekers, but, the world needs to know that we are not going to grant an exception just because they don’t like the conditions in their home country. They need to realize that their FIRST option needs to be to STAY THERE and FIX THEIR COUNTRY’S PROBLEM so that they no longer need to come here to survive.

                These measures, if fully implemented, WOULD solve America’s problems with illegal immigration, but, to fully implement them, Americans need to let our leaders know that this is what we demand of them. At the very least, having them read this may get them to at least stop talking about the STUPIDITY of granting AMNESTY to people whom have already demonstrated through their actions that they DO NOT respect our laws. If they flagrantly disregarded our laws to come here, what makes lawmakers think that they will suddenly become law abiding potential citizens?


Do Our Legislators Want to Cut Spending?

By:  Edward Richardson, March 17, 2014, Berwick, ME

What is the “Export-Import Bank?”

If conservatives in Washington want to start rolling back the “corporate welfare state,” then Export-Import Bank is a great place to start.  Members of congress can take a stand, in an election year, which demonstrates that we are directly opposed to liberals by ending the relationship between big government and big business.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the “Export/Import Bank” in 1934.  The original intent of Ex-Im was to facilitate the export of American made products.  Now, instead, the Bank has turned into nothing more than corporate welfare.

Over the years, it has mutated into a way for members of congress to reward their supporters.  Some of the companies that have been “helped” by it recently include Gulfstream, Boeing, Siemens, General Electric, and the list goes on and on to the tune of literally billions of dollars.  Do these sound like companies that need financial help to increase exports?

The Ex-Im Bank’s charter is about to expire.  The Congressional Quarterly reports that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) are working on a deal, to the tune of $140 billion, to bulldoze conservative opponents of reauthorization in the House and, in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has pledged to bring a bill to the floor soon.

Even Barrack Obama, while serving in the Senate, regarded this bank is an example of failed government policy.  In 2008 he called the Ex-Im Bank "…little more than a fund for corporate welfare.”

Urge your member of congress to end corporate welfare and protect taxpayer dollars.