Saturday, October 21, 2017

Why do the DISABLED have to pay taxes?

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

I am writing to urge you to consider the following legislative proposal.  This proposal has great possibilities for you to show how much we care about the disabled in our society and upholds American values and principles.

Why do the DISABLED have to pay taxes?

First, haven’t they already suffered enough?

Second, their paying of taxes makes no sense because their financial compensation comes from taxes.

                In the interest of full disclosure, I am one such individual.

Allow me to elaborate…

Several states such as Alabama and Montana exempt fully disable veterans from property taxes. 

Maine however only exempts the first $6,000 in property value from being taxed (I have not seen many $6,000 houses in my neighborhood).  I would think that the $6,000 figure should apply towards the actual tax assessed not towards the value of the house, but that’s just me).  But, others still require them to continue to pay and pay and pay.

I know that all Social Security Disability Insurance payments as well as Veteran’s Disability Compensation is exempt from both state and federal income taxes (makes sense as why would you give it to them with one hand just to take it back with the other…) But, why must they still pay property, sales, excise, or any other tax for that matter?  Isn’t that the same thing?  Giving with one hand while taking back with the other?

An example of how this can really harm these individuals is with the property tax issue.  As home values in their area go up, so do their property taxes and that could force them out of the home they love pushing them into Section 8 housing or some other government subsidized housing situation placing a further burden on the taxpayers.

I propose that both Federal and State legislatures pass bills that exempt all individuals who have been determined to be TOTALLY DISABLED by either the Social Security Administration or the Department of Veterans Affairs (for Social Security they must show that they receive SSDI payments and for the VA they would need to be able to produce a copy of their “Total and Permanent” rating letter) from having to pay ANY TAXES.  (See “Implementation” section below for how this could work). Alternatively, just exempting them from 50% would still be a tremendous help for these individuals who are on a fixed income and really have no other options. 

Reasons this should be considered:

1.       Financial Impact on the individual:  

a.       Disabled individuals that cannot work must live on a fixed income with the only hope of getting a raise being dependent on Congress granting a Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA) increase once a year. Over the last 10 years the COLA raises approved by congress average only 1.69% per year.  Last years was only 0.3%. For Disabled Veterans that gave them an extra $104.65 for the entire year.
b.      In my situation, just my property taxes increased an average dollar amount of $182.75 per year over the same 10 years so how can they say that the COLA covers the actual increases in the cost of living?
c.       Additionally, disabled individuals often become disabled earlier in life and the longer period that they are dependent on the annual COLA compounds the problem as future COLAs become based on an underlying benefit amount that has not been sufficiently increased.
d.      An example of how this effects the disabled can be seen with the above property tax figures that show how quickly a disabled person can be forced out of their home just because the COLA has not kept up with the increases in property taxes, much less the increases in all other areas of their finances due to inflation and due to the fact that, because there are many things that they can no longer do, they are forced to pay others to do them for them (such as snow removal, home repairs, vehicle repairs, etc.).

2.       Emotional impact on the individual:

a.       The above financial examples illustrate what kind of stress this situation can place on the disabled.  It makes it even worse when it cause them to have to ask for additional help. 
b.      It also causes great anxiety as they see themselves and their family’s budgets getting tighter and tighter every year and have to contemplate possibly even losing their home just because they cannot afford the tax increases.
c.       For Veterans, by nature proud and humble, the impact can cause them to consider a final option that too many veterans are being lost too.

3.       Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients are individual who CANNOT WORK and therefore cannot just go out and earn more money to cover increasing taxes.

4.       100% Total and Permanent Disabled Veterans are Patriots who also cannot work and who have not only already sacrificed much for their country, but, are still suffering and sacrificing every day and will continue to do so until the day they die. 

5.       Common Sense also argues firmly in favor of this proposal as illustrated below:

a.       All of the benefits, financial or in kind these individuals receive, come from taxes collected by either the State or Federal governments.
b.      Taxing these individuals just moves government money from one place to the other.
c.       Taxing them places additional burdens on them requiring them to have to seek additional taxpayer funded aid.

6.       Compassion:  Do we really want to further burden those in our society that are least able to bear that burden?

Ok, so how would this work:


1.       Eligibility:
a.       The following classified individuals would be eligible for the exemption:
                                                                           i.      Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients.
                                                                         ii.      Disabled Veterans classified in one of the following categories:
1.       100% Service Connected Disabled.
2.       Compensated as 100% Service Connected Disabled due to Individual Unemployability that have also received the designation of “Total and Permanent (T&P)” (these veterans are classified as totally disabled and unable to work due to the combination of their various disabilities and the VA has also agreed that no further ratings reviews will ever be required).

2.       Logistics:
a.       Have the VA add a RED STAR to the corner of the VA Identification Card they already issue to all Disabled Veterans for Veterans who are compensated at the 100% level.
b.      Have the SSA add a RED STAR to the corner of the Medicare Identification Card they already issue to SSDI recipients.
c.       Individuals then simply present these cards to the taxing authority and all taxes are waived.  When presented at the register, the cashier simply presses the “Exempt” key they now use for other tax exempt purchases.

3.       Financial impact on State and Federal governments would be minimal as there are just not that many disabled individuals in each community and the tax/mil rates could be easily adjusted to make up for the small difference.

4.       Fraud Prevention:  Anyone who claims the exemption when they are not authorized to do so would be subject to the same penalties already in place for tax fraud.

Well, there it is!  Short, simple and easily doable.  This one is a clear “no brainer” for the legislatures so let’s get this done for the neediest and the most deserving among us.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my proposal and, please, do not hesitate to respond back to me and discuss this further.

Edward Richardson
Berwick, ME
October 21, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

The American Healthcare Freedom Act - A Starting Point

This is a starting outline for a “Repeal & Replace” bill for the GOP to consider. I have included some things that I know some groups would want but this is just a starting point, so, don’t blow-up my feed about them. The amounts included for the TORT REFORM section are just a starting point to give them an idea of what I intended. Hopefully this will get to the right people to have some effect on the process.
                                       The American Healthcare Freedom Act
An act to repeal and replace the ACA (Obama-Care).
1. The ACA is hereby REPEALED in its entirety.
2. This REPEAL is effective immediately when signed by the President of the United States with following exceptions:
     a. All currently issued health insurance plans will remain in force as long the consumer stays current on their premiums or until a new plan becomes available.
     b. States the expanded their Medicaid programs as outlined under the ACA will have the additional funds that have been provided reduced by 1/3 each year until at the end of three years they are terminated. This will reduce those states to an equivalent level of funding as provided to states that did not expand their Medicaid program.
3. Tort Reform – Medical malpractice court awards are hereby capped as follows:
     a. For loss of life – reimbursement of all medical costs and 3 to 5 million dollars on a sliding scale based on the age of deceased with the greater award going to the younger individuals.
     b. For loss of limb, eye, ear or other significant body part - reimbursement of all medical costs including any future costs directly related to the loss and any necessary reconstructive surgery to alleviate any grossly unsightly scaring and 1 million dollars for each part lost.
     c. For all other malpractice cases the award is capped at reimbursement of all medical costs and 1 million dollars.
4. No company that provides malpractice insurance is to have any financial ties to any company that provides health insurance coverage.
5. The HHS Secretary will establish a committee to analyze why the cost of healthcare (not the cost of insurance, but the cost of care itself) is so high and develop and recommend measures to drive down those costs. All aspects of medical care will be studied including but not limited to:
     a. Educational costs – Why does it cost so much to train medical personnel?
     b. Drug costs – Drugs should be priced at the actual cost of ingredients plus the cost of manufacture with a set surcharge to cover research and development costs. Look into requiring all drug companies to become not-for-profit organizations.
     c. Medical equipment, devices, prosthetics and supplies - All medical equipment, devices, prosthetics and supplies should be priced at cost of materials plus cost of manufacturing with a set surcharge to cover research and development. Look into requiring all such companies to become not-for-profit organizations.
     d. Costs of procedures – Procedures should be priced to cover actual expenses involved including labor with a set surcharge to cover the overhead of the facility it is performed in. Look into requiring all hospitals to become not-for-profit organizations.
     e. Emergent care – investigate requiring hospitals to establish a 2 stage emergency room/urgent care clinic arrangement where true emergent cases are handled and billed at appropriate rates, but, all non-emergent patients that seek care are treated and billed at normal “office visit” rate levels.
6. Any consumer may purchase any healthcare insurance plan they desire from any company in any state. States may require that plans sold in their state to their state citizens meet state requirements, but may not block citizens from purchasing plans out of state that do not meet those requirements.
7. No state shall require any healthcare insurance plan cover contraception related counselling, contraceptive drugs or devices, non-emergent abortions, sex reassignment therapy or surgeries or any other traditionally “ELECTIVE” procedures. They can require plans to cover psychiatric/psychological treatments for gender confused individuals. Gender confused individuals are defined as any individuals who believe that they are any gender other their biological gender as determined by their DNA or those who are sexually attracted to members of their own sex. Such treatment must be directed towards curing them of their confusion with goal of having them accept their biological gender and natural sexual purpose of procreation.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

An Open Letter to Donald Trump and Other Conservative Candidates for President of the United States of America

November 7, 2015

Dear Mr. Trump,

     I have an idea. It’s BIG, it’s BOLD and it have NEVER been done before.

     What would happen if you called a private meeting of all of the current conservative candidates and proposed the following?

 1. Donald Trump for President

 2. Ben Carson for Vice-President

 3. The carefully review of the qualifications, experience and willingness of all other candidates to fill other key cabinet positions to ensure that you have a pre-selected cabinet that can take charge right away and begin the arduous process of rebuilding America by implementing the following actions (subject to your discretion of course):

      a. Using your strong negotiation skills to convince our allies that “We are BACK!” and that we WILL support them.

      b. Rebuild our military (start by shifting moneys from acquiring new hardware and system to repair and retrofit current hardware and weapon systems and to recruit, train and restore troop levels-then we can go back to developing, purchasing and deploying new systems. We should also look to our allies and see if they have any weapons or systems that we could just adopt from then such as Israel’s Iron Dome).

      c. Order the Joint Chiefs of Staff to develop 5 different possible plans of action to deal with the eradication of the treat of Islamic extremism including plans to provide assistance to our NATO allies in Europe for when they finally become fed up (and they will sooner rather than later) and need help eliminating the problem there. A plan must also be drawn up by Homeland Security, the FBI and other federal and state law enforcement for stopping the growth of islam here at home and controlling or eliminating this scourge for our country.

      d. Activate the Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard to build a border barrier (beginning with the southern border and then establishing a long term schedule for securing the northern border-we may be able to eliminate the need for a northern border barrier by negotiating with the Canadians to have them tighten up their own immigration policies thus eliminating the need for it).

      e. Mandate E-Verify for ALL employers giving them 90 days to verify all current employees and having ICE agents investigate any company that appears to be trying to circumvent the process. If illegal aliens cannot find work they will be forced to go back home. Mandate E-Verify for eligibility to ALL government benefits including, but not limited to, enrollment in public schools, food stamps and Medicaid. Give those who fail to verify 90 days to correct the error or be deported. Require that for ANYONE to request asylum they must request it through our embassy or consulates in their home country (if their home country does not have an embassy, then allow them to use the next closest embassy or consulate). Require ALL illegal immigrants apprehended trying to enter our country to be immediately deported. No hearings, no delays. Require all visa holders to report to the nearest INS office within 30 days to verify their address and contact information or face the immediate revocation of their visas and deportation.

      f. Suspend all collection efforts by the IRS pending the implementation of a tax reform package to be proposed to and implemented by the congress. Said package should include drastically reduced business taxes to encourage manufacturers to return jobs to the United States as well as prohibitive tariffs on any products manufactured abroad by American companies.

      g. Order the Treasury Department to immediately resume control of our monetary system and immediately suspend the carter of the Federal Reserve Bank pending the outcome of a complete audit.

      h. Order the Attorney General to immediately appoint independent prosecutors to investigate and prosecute the numerous suspect actions by not only Barack Obama (or is it Barry Soterro?), Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder including any and all possible accomplices in their various shady dealings.

 4. Create a plan for all the conservative candidates to coordinate an advertising plan to sell this idea to the American people without violating campaign finance laws. Perhaps have all candidates start suggesting such a plan and then, as the primaries progress slowly reveal the structure and firm up the details.

     I do not know if any of this appeals to you or if you would be able to convince the other candidates to go along with it, but, I feel that this would be an explosive new idea that could really energize the conservative base and hand us a landslide in the general election.

     I welcome your personal feedback on this plan and hearing any suggestions you may have towards making it happen.

Edward Richardson
Disable Veteran Voter

 Founder of Facebook Group:
United Patriots to Restore Our American Republic (UPROAR) 

12,000 active members.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 2, 2014
By:  Edward Richardson (SSGRichDAV)

Dear “Grande Olde Party”,
You recently sent me a letter asking if I have abandoned the Republican Party.  No, I have not abandoned it, it has abandoned me!  In response, I offer this open letter to ALL party members, especially those currently in office:

When I joined the GOP, I joined what I thought was the party for conservatives, the party that insists on applying the Constitution conservatively, sticking with the original intent and text.
Ever since I joined, the GOP has moved farther and farther toward being just another branch of the Democratic party.  The GOP leadership in both houses of congress continually ignores the conservative voices SCREAMING for them to PLEASE return to conservative principles and values and to PLEASE STOP VOTING IN SUPPORT OF THE DEMOCRATIC LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE AGENDA!

The GOP also NEEDS to STOP actively BLOCKING the REAL CONSERVATIVES that are trying to replace the more liberal incumbents. 
It is time for the current Republican politicians to STOP worrying about just short-term “feel good” issues and being reelected and to START worrying about the LONG TERM SURVIVAL of our Republic! 

How long can America continue to allow the Executive and Judicial branches of our government to ignore, circumvent and/or destroy the authority of our founding documents that where put in place to protect us from just this kind of corruption and tyranny?
What issues should the GOP pursue to SAVE our country?  How about supporting the Constitution?  How about supporting the spirit as well as the content of your oaths of office?

To provide a little more guidance:
EVERY GOP candidate needs to state clearly and emphatically:

1.       That they believe that life starts at conception and any abortion (chemical or surgical) is therefore murder.  A MORAL society needs to further emphasize that sexual intercourse is not a form of recreation but an intimate act between a husband and a wife.

2.       That homosexuality is NOT NORMAL.  Just because an individual is sexually attracted to another member of the same sex does not mean that it is morally right for him or her to act on that attraction by engaging in disgusting and medically ill-advised activity.  While I do not think that it should be illegal for them to do so, it should be frowned upon by a moral society and strongly discouraged, NOT NORMALIZED.

3.       That our immigration system is broken and ALL immigration needs to be FROZEN until it can be fixed. 

a.       ALL CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS NEED TO BE REVIEWED to ensure that they represent the best interests of the American people, NOT the best interests of American BUSINESSES.  If American businesses need more high tech workers, they need to figure out how to get them from among Americans.  They need to hire TRAINABLE candidates and TEACH THEM what they need them to know just as they used to do with APPRENTICESHIPS in the trades.

b.      Legal immigration should be very limited and allowed only for individuals who will:

                                                                          i.      Bring a benefit to our society.

                                                                        ii.      Can prove that they have already secured long-term employment that will provide them with sufficient income to support themselves.

                                                                      iii.      They should not be allowed to take the oath of citizenship until they have already proven that they are willing to and have already started to assimilate into our AMERICAN society.

                                                                       iv.      The only relatives that should be allowed to immigrate are the spouse and children of the initial applicant.  If their parents, siblings, cousins or uncles want to come here, they need to apply on their own merit.

c.       Illegal immigration MUST be STOPPED COMPLETELY! 

                                                                          i.      The border MUST be secured even if through the use of deadly force.  Literally THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants DIE each year sneaking into our country.  If we started shooting anyone who tries to cross our border (after giving an appropriate advance notice) we would only have to shoot a few before the others got the idea that we are serious and stop dying in the desert trying to come here.  We need to frame this solution as being a way to SAVE LIVES.

                                                                        ii.      ANYONE who enters or has entered our country illegally MUST be DEPORTED as soon as possible.  NO OTHER OPTION is nor should be acceptable.  There is one TRUTH that everybody keeps tiptoeing around; when these individuals crossed our border; they knew that they could be deported at any time, so let’s fulfill their expectations. 

                                                                      iii.      Anyone who feels they are being persecuted and wishes to seek asylum needs to go to the nearest United States Embassy that is still OUTSIDE our borders and submit an application stating the facts of their case.

4.       That how someone pays for healthcare should be an individual responsibility.  What needs to be addressed is WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE?  

a.       Doctors, clinics and hospitals have to cover their operating expenses and still make a REASONABLE profit.  Let’s make sure that their profit margins ARE REASONABLE.

b.      One of the BIGGEST expenses for the medical industry is MALPRACTICE insurance.  We need to place limits on medically related lawsuit awards.  This is the ONLY WAY that malpractice insurance premiums will come down.  There should also be limits on how much the lawyers can charge to handle these cases.

c.       Another BIG expense is the high cost of getting an education as a doctor.  We need to look at WHY colleges and universities charge so much for medical school tuition.  Some of it is related to high malpractice insurance premiums as they have also been sued in such cases, but there is no reason that an anatomy class should cost so much more than an algebra class or any other class.  They all involve a set number of classroom hours, lab hours and instructor hours.  There should be a way to control these costs.

5.       We no longer need the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as anything other than an advisory council.  There are sufficient laws in place to protect the environment and America already has a judicial branch that can handle prosecuting violations of the law.  The investigative and enforcement departments at the EPA need to be eliminated.

6.       That our income tax system is broken and the Internal Revenue Service is OUT OF CONTROL!

a.       The entire tax code needs to be repealed and replaced with a FLAT RATE income tax.  All income that falls above the poverty level should be taxed at the same rate regardless of how rich you are.  The tax can apply to both individual income and business profits but should NOT APPLY to capital gains, dividends, inheritances or interest income on personal savings accounts.

b.      The IRS needs to be reduced to the appropriate number of processors to handle the new tax filing paperwork.  The IRS does not need investigative or enforcement departments either.  If tax fraud is suspected, they should hand the case over to the Attorney General’s office or the FBI for investigation and prosecution.

7.       That legislation needs to be passed stating that our Constitution can only secure the rights of OUR CITIZENS.  If the citizens of other countries want the same rights, they need to stay home and change their own governments so they can have them, NOT run away to America.

8.       That ALL FOREIGN AID needs to be FROZEN until the Federal Budget is BALANCED and then each country’s foreign aid needs to be reauthorized by congress.  Each country should be allowed only ONE aid package and the amounts and justifications for those packages must be posted online for review 30 days prior to being voted on.  If a country is receiving aid from us and does not spend it on the priorities they stated in their request for aid, then they should lose ALL aid and no new aid given until a new government  is instituted that will not lie to us about what they want to spend OUR money on.

9.       That our MILITARY needs to be the BEST trained, BEST equipped force on earth.  When they are needed, they should be told the objective of the operation and then left alone to achieve it through the most effective means at their disposal.  There is only one way to win a battle and that is to TOTALLY DEFEAT your enemy.  Anything short of that just leaves the job unfinished and allows for our enemies to rise again and to need to be fought again.  Yes, war is ugly which is why it should only be used as a last resort, but, once it is chosen, stay out of the way and let the war-fighters do their job.

10.   Whether or not we use torture, what weapon systems we have and what the capabilities of those systems are should neither be confirmed nor denied.  Answering this type of question only provides aid to our enemies.  Instilling fear in our enemies is one of the most effective tools we have to PREVENT conflicts.

11.   That the dictates of Islam and Sharia law are incompatible with the structure of our society as defined by our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) and therefore the practice of Islam is not allowed in our country.  In addition, because Islam is not a religion but a socio-political system of repression and control, it will no longer be recognized as a religion by the United States.

12.   That the Constitution guarantees that our PRE-EXISTING right to keep and bear arms will not be infringed, thus ALL FEDERAL and STATE laws that in any way restrict, regulate, register or limit the keeping, carrying (concealed or open) or using of personal arms (firearms, bows, crossbow, knives, swords, etc.) are NULL and VOID.

13.   That when any individual is convicted of a felony, they have proved that they cannot be trusted to not abuse their rights.  Therefore:

a.       Their rights are forfeited until they have served their sentence AND they have proven to the satisfaction of their state Governor AND their state Senator that they have reformed themselves and are now worthy of being trusted again. 

b.      The only rights felons retain while in prison are the right to food, shelter, medical care and protection from abuse either by their keepers or by their fellow prisoners.

c.       Federal prisons need to be set in southern states and constructed and as demonstrated by Arizona’s Sheriff Arpaio.  If tents are good enough for our troops in the desert then they are good enough for our prisoners here at home.

d.      Hard labor is not abuse; it is coercive discipline.  Prison should NOT be a pleasant experience.  It is supposed to be a punishment.  The more prisoners don’t like it in prison the more likely they are to not do anything that would cause them to have to go back.

14.   The Department of Education is NOT NEEDED and should be immediately closed down.

15.   Stop bull-shitting us with the “NEED TO BE COMPASSIONATE.”  Is it compassionate to allow citizens of foreign countries to run away from their problems instead of making them stay there and fix them?  What about the compassion for those they left behind?  Is it compassionate to allow homosexuals to believe that they are normal instead of enlightening them to the fact that they have a problem that they need to deal with?  Is it compassionate to allow a woman to abort an unwanted pregnancy further enabling her immoral use of sex as RECREATION instead of SAVING the NEW LIFE inside her?  Is it compassionate to NOT BOMB an enemy target because it is hiding behind “innocent” civilians instead of removing the enemy target by killing some “innocent” civilians so that the hundreds of thousands of other civilians can be rescued from oppression?  Right now, with the state of our economy and our monolithic debt, the most compassionate thing we could do for the world is to STOP helping for now so we can better and more quickly get our financial house in order so that we could then have greater resources to more effectively help.  What we need to do is to learn how to frame this argument to show how the obvious compassion is actually cruelty and that what seems at first glance to be cruel, in the long run is the most compassionate solution.

Republican Cheat-Sheet for quick answers on the issues:

Illegal immigration-Wrong
Secure the border by any means-Right
Any form of AMNESTY-Wrong
Legal immigration-Out-of-Control
Illegal immigrants have rights under our Constitution-Wrong
Our Constitution can only guarantee rights to our citizens-Right
Photo ID to VOTE-Right
Islam a religion-Wrong
Islam as a socio-political tool to control others and subvert/demean women-Right
Islam as a source of tremendous violence in the world-Right
Support Israel-Right
Any aid to Palestinians = aiding terrorists
Foreign aid-Out-of-Control
HUMANITARIAN foreign aid-Should be provided by private means-NOT TAX DOLLARS!
Tort reform-Right
Gun control-Wrong
Speech control-Wrong
Free and INDEPENDENT press-No longer exists in America
Media reporting OPINIONS as FACTS-Wrong
Media reporting OPINIONS as NEWS-Wrong
Balanced Budget-Right
Supreme Court Justices MAKING LAW-Wrong
Supreme Court “Reading into…” or determining “intent” of legislation-Wrong
Supreme Court ruling on the actual text of legislation/laws-Right
Politically Correct = polite LIE!
Politi-double-speak = Refusal to take a stand.
Career Politician-Wrong
Term Limits-Right
Common Core-Wrong
Local control of curriculum-Right
School Vouchers-Right
Drug testing for Food Stamps/Welfare-Right
Oil exploration off coasts-Right (if done responsibly)
Keystone XL-Right
Congress regulating light bulbs-Wrong
Allowing religious leaders freedom of speech in church-Right
Revoking tax-exempt status if they speak about politics-Wrong
IRS SPYING on religious organizations to see if they are talking politics-Wrong

I do not know how I can be clearer in defining what CONSERVATIVE Americans want from our leadership.  But, I can tell you that the clock is running down to the point when Americans are not going to wait for our elected leaders to fix the ship of state and steer it back onto the course set by our fore-fathers.  And, when that time comes, Americans WILL FIGHT for our rights and do as the Declaration of Independence states is our RIGHT, OUR DUTY to REMOVE you and install new stewards to tend to the rudder of OUR ship!

We want a return to a MORAL society based on our founding documents and the principles and values espoused by them. 
